May 17, 2022

Introduction Post

Welcome to my blog!

I am Kia and this is my first blog! I am a technology enthusiast, a Cyber Security lover, a Mobile App Developer, and a Mathematics Student at the University of Waterloo in my second year at the time of publishing this post. English is my second language.

To start off, I would first like to thank Heath Adams, who is also known as , and who is my role-model since 2021, for making extraordinarily on self-improvement aspects of Cyber Security, on how to start a journey in Cyber Security, and the personality one would need to develop in order to succeed in this field.

My principal goal of creating this blog is to share what I learn in my own way of explaining things. I believe that learning styles are different, and this blog may facilitate a group of people who are interested in technology field to benefit from a better learning pace and quality.

What I will be mostly posting is any academic or career-related thing I have recently done or am doing at the moment. I will be explaining the progress I have taken on my projects, the assignments I have done so far, and anything interesting I have learned during this procedure.

Please let me know via Comments or Email if there is anything tech-related you think is worth a shot in this blog, that I should dig into it and write my opinions about it and how my experience was when I was learning it. Also if you participate in any CTF (Capture-The-Flag) that you think had interesting questions, I would like to attempt them and make write-ups for them if I am able to solve them.

At the end of day, I wish you enjoy your time reading my posts and the new things you learn from this blog.


Kia (UTIL)

Kia (UTIL)

I am Kia, the UTIL (You teach, I learn) guy, but this is not the only thing; because I love teaching what I learn too. "There is no ideal for the perseverant, nor is there a lengthy predicament for the patient", I think. I am currently developing perseverance and patience, which is my primary goal in life.

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